American economy Archives
Why Trump must Pivot to the Economy Why Trump must Pivot to the Economy
Fri, July, 22, 2016
Fresh off accepting the Republican nomination for President, Donald Trump has to pivot towards putting viable ideas out there to fix the economy, according to University of Maryland Economics Professor Peter Morici, who joins us with more.
Assessing the jobs market roller coaster Assessing the jobs market roller coaster
Mon, July, 11, 2016
Mark Hamrick from Bankrate.com breaks down last month's job report, which saw a resurgence of more jobs added, and whether it will continue in an upward trend.
How Economic Officials in Washington are Responding to Brexit How Economic Officials in Washington are Responding to Brexit
Mon, June, 27, 2016
Sudeep Reddy from the Wall Street Journal examines the fallout from the Brexit vote and the next moves for economic officials in Washington.
How will U.S. Markets Respond after a Weekend to Digest Brexit? How will U.S. Markets Respond after a Weekend to Digest Brexit?
Mon, June, 27, 2016
The Wall Street Journal's Paul Vigna with a look at how U.S. markets will respond after a weekend to take in the Brexit decision.
5 Campaign promises that would hurt the economy 5 Campaign promises that would hurt the economy
Thu, June, 23, 2016
Yahoo Finance Columnist Rick Newman with a look at 5 lofty campaign promises that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are making on the trail that would hurt the economy.
What's on Tap For US with Brexit? What's on Tap For US with Brexit?
Thu, June, 23, 2016
With the all important Brexit vote taking place, Lydia Tomkiw from IBT discusses how Britain's decision to stay or leave the European Union impacts business in the U.S.
"What will Friday's disappointing jobs report mean for the Fed and the broader economy? "
Mon, June, 6, 2016
After only adding 38,000 new jobs in May, Mark Hamrick from Bankrate.com explains the impact the latest jobs report will have on the U.S. economy and abroad.